Thursday, 14 May 2015

Adventures and anniversaries

Yesterday was Halloween. It is also known as gotcha day in our house. Muffin wasn't supposed to come home on halloween but she got sick in kennels and had to stay in. It was a ridiculosly emotional day as I reflected on our years together. There have been tears of frustration and equally of joy. There has been much laughter and a fair few embarrassing moments. My skin is a little thicker than it was. I think it is fair to say that Muffin exploded into our lives and our hearts. 
Looking back at the photos, it is clear to see that there have been changes in her appearance. On day one, she was a mostly black, greasy little thing with some bald patches. She has now paled into a steely grey colour.
She was spoiled and adored by cyber friends and friends in the real world. She volunteers to work with me so the adults with learning disabiliites I work with can come out dog walking. They treated her to some anniversary goodies and liver cake.
She was also treated to a long trek with her male human. They went all around and through the woods. She generally stays on the lead in the woods due to her hearing going if she sees a tempting sludge hole to wallow in. She was trusted to be off lead out of the woods, as she is usually impecably behaved. She goes back on if we see another dog but will always wait when asked. Yesterday however, she decided to have a solo jaunt around the woods. As they walked around the edge she shot off and disappeared. The human male was calling for a good 15 minutes until he heard the familiar jingle that lets us know she is near and she appeared like nothing had happened. 
Composed 01.11.14

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